Tips to Manage Twins Alone

Tips To Manage Twins Alone

You must be wondering if the dad goes to work, how to manage twins alone. Well, caring for the twins does come with an extended responsibility and you feel you are all lonely raising twins but with loneliness comes a super feeling to raise them all alone. Well, you have to be on your toes all the time and YOU CAN surely do it all by yourself.

So, lets see some of the tips and tricks to manage twins all by yourself.

Keep them on the same schedule – 

Having single kid means putting a lot on their cues and crying hues, but when you have twins you have to keep them on the same schedule else you wont get a single minute free. It might be very difficult in the start but they will eventually get habituated. Like, breastfeeding the twins on the same time, giving them bottle feed at the same and even making them take the nap that too at the same time. This will not only help the babies maintain the same schedule but even give you some spare time for yourself.

Let them cry for sometime

We all want to give our child 100 percent of our parenting. But, when there are two kids at the same time and there is a single you – one has to wait. So, when one child wants to be held all the time and demands all your attention then one twin has to wait which means crying so let it be. Its okay to let your child to cry for sometime – it doesn’t mean end of the world.

Be patient 

Its easy to say than to follow; being a parent to twin girls – I know its very very difficult to follow this path. Sometimes you do lose the cool but you have to be patient with your twins. And, do not forget to ask for help, always ask for help when required.  To look after the twins you need extra care and extra help so be patient and ask for help, as and when required. You can also hire a nanny / babysitter who can look after your twin and make your work a bit easier.

With lot of patience and love you can surely win this situation alone.

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